lake condition


New member
Was thinking about coming down tomorrow was wondering how the lake is after all this rain and hows the bite any help would be appreciated.

Aries 181

New member
The lake is the lowest it's been in over 5 years, 7 + feet, so be extra careful when launching and running. A good mapping chip is vital in low water periods like we have now.



New member
I drove around today checking out the lake and ramps. I saw stumps and channels I didn't know about. Its really really low.


Active member
I just came from the lake and it's not as low as I have seen it in the past but I have been around awhile. I actually put the stakes in the ground by the cemetery at Soddy creek where the pulp wood yard use to be one winter back in the 1990s and it was this low or lower then. Be careful out there if you go and stay in the channels when you run the big motor


Active member
jwholbert99 - 2/25/2018 6:30 PM

ok thanks when do you think they will raise the lake

I think they start raising it in April but they have changed their schedule now so I'm not 100% sure . It used to be full by mid April but I think it is may before it's at full pool now