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    New Years Day. FROST BITE TX

    New years day frost bite tx Chester frost Park 8-2. 30$ entry twra rules 5 fish
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    Classic hours

    what every body think safe light to 4? So maybe have time to catch a dang fish lol !?!?
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    Frostbite is canceled

    Frostbite is canceled
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    Frost Bite 1-18-2020

    Had another small crowd 6 boats. due to the weather. Leonard and Scotty 27.07. And big fish 7.38. Awesome sack guy for a dreary day
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    Frost Bite. 1-11-2020

    Had 5 boats. Small crowd. Steven and Billy 14.02 Big fish also 5.44
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    Lost my rod

    Lost my one of my Powell Inferno with a Lews tournament pro TPG1H reel. On the back of Chester frost stump field if you snag it hallor at me reward !!!
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    Black Friday tx. Chester frost

    Black Friday tx safe light till 2 5 fish limit. Twra rules apply 40$ entry per boat pay out one place every seven boats 2 people per boat waiver must be signed at sign in no sign no fish. Chester frost
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    Black Friday tx

    Trying to put something together. Details to come soon!
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    So it has come to this...

    Nobody owns a spot ! But when you go out of the way to fish areas that see little to NO traffic at all. But eventually someone gonna see you . And if you win a couple tournaments. They start watching and and when you not around Fish it. And if they can beat you there use it...
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    Baskets. What a shame money and local fame will make people do

    Seen a couple pix of baskets found on the chick
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    Found weight in bag

    Found at Chester frost. I was doing my normal drive bye. And seen it so I picked it up if you can describe it and tell me what it's flaw is I reckon it's yours/ pm me
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    longer days are back

    Time change more daylight warmer temps = evening stress reliever fishing trips after work I'm so happy lol
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    finally got boat back

    Finally after(7 months) I've waited for tax's just picked up my boat from Nichols outboard engineering. Full blown rebuild carefully listening to instructions can't wait to break it in!! Paul Nichols is awesome and understanding and I'm very impressed by his pedigree in performance. Thanks...
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    Boat for CFF Classic

    I need boater for the CFF Classic I will pay entry fee and if need be pull the boat if u live close lol iv been trained by bronzeback45 aka Leonard AOY of 2014 if that helps any lol Pm. Me
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    killing our beloved grass

    Went to CFP last night to wet a line and saw red paper stapled to the trees herbicides warning as of 6/17/2014. So they have already started
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    HB 598ciHDsi transducer

    I know its a long shot but does any one have a transducer / cable with small plug in I broke the right side imaging prong trying to plug it in in the dark at the last cff tx It would be for the 598ciHDsi hb
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    seen for the first time

    Well i seen for the first time big bass spawning right before me. I've seen fish on beds/ guarding fry. But never doing the deed .it was pretty neat water temp 69
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    parksville lake?

    Does any body know anything about parks ville lake / going this weekend for some new water
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    sunday trip

    Anybody want to fish tomorrow my boat