Winter time depth adjustment


New member
Just trying to learn more about my graph and making the proper adjustments for depth in the winter time. I have a Lowrance Carbon with the C-Map Tennessee card. When I go in and start my depth shading, how does the graph know how to compensate for the drop in winter pool? Is there a setting I have to change on the graph to make this accurate? Thanks


I have a different unit, but the same card. I simply set my shading to show anything under 8' as red. That tells me that during drawdown I must stay out of the red shaded areas.
I know this did not answer your question, but it works for me.


Active member
my understanding is that cmap doesnt allow for water level adjustment. i'd high in red anything less than 10' from full pond and dont run in those areas, would make some of that stuff 4' deep right now


Active member
That is correct, no water level adjustments on C-MAP; that function is exclusive to Lakemaster at this time.


I couldn't imagine fishing a lake that has large fluctuations without being able to do offset