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Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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    basspwner, pond, bass/picture/big momma, 4/15/2010, friend

    awesome fish, nice
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    gene0122, Tellico, White Crappie, 4-15-10

    great looking fish, nice catch
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    Jerry, Chickamauga, crappie, 4/12/2010, Jake

    Nice catch, and great dog. I wish mine would ride.....
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    EricM, Chick, Blue cats, 4-14-10

    Nice catch
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    SpurHunter, Wheeler, Cats, 4-10, Southerncats & friends *Pics added*

    Well i have to agree thats some big fish were i come from....nice catch
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    basspwner, lookout mtn. pond, bass, 4/14/2010-my bday, clay

    Theres nothing beter than a nice pond raised bass...WTG...
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    drumking, chickamauga, crappie, 4/14/10, wanda

    way to go DK....looks like they just roll over and give up every time you go
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    gene0122, Tellico, Crappie (Testing Side Imager), 3/27/10

    looks like a nice unit, now youll be on them for sure...
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    drumking, Riverpark, spotted bass, 4/14/10, Fat Albert

    thanks for the report, thats some nice fish...
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    oggism, Nickajack, Bass, 04/04/2010, TritonAL186

    sounds like a great day, maybe fishing will be beter next time..i have a rough time there sometimes also.
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    craazyboutbass, Parksville, Spots, 4/3/10, Brandon

    sory about your ride man i hope you catch them.....but nice fish
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    drumking, Riverpark, stripers and bass, 4/4/10, Dr Phillip Gawthrop

    great morning on the water, thats a awesome striper
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    Snoop357, Wolftever, Crappie, 4/3/10, Dad

    thanks for the repot, great fish
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    bigbird285, guntersville, channel cat, 4-2-2010, joey and the moose

    man thats alot of fish....nice catch
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    hazzzardcounty, Nickajack, mixed bag, 4-2-2010, Dad

    We started off around 9:00am below the dam at nickajack, we fished for a couple of hours with no luck...They were pulling water hard so i had to stand on the trolling moter the whole time...We decided to try the dam for a while before calling it quits. Im glad we did. We ended up with over 30...