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Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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  1. FishingwithRusty

    Toyota Series

    i fished AND BOMBED!!!
  2. FishingwithRusty

    TWRA boat sticker colors

    my current(2023) is green, the new ones i got wednesday(2026) are orange. :( ugly dont wanna put them on my boat
  3. FishingwithRusty

    sets of rims and tires

    2 sets of 4 rims, one came off a 2002 Gambler 2200, the other 1998 Gambler 2200. the rims off the 2002 has 4 good tires(one of which is brand new the other 3 have atleast half tread), the other set has 2 good tires. 2002 rims $350 1998 rims $150
  4. FishingwithRusty


    you can use the app below to fish your TN legislator and Senator. Express your views and opinions about the new RED FLAG laws they are contemplating. The 2nd Ammendment is VERY clear....................SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!
  5. FishingwithRusty

    my latest article

    the lack of personal responsibility certainly contributing to this circumstance
  6. FishingwithRusty

    my latest article

    thanks guys for your feedback and responses, i was doubting that anyone even read it
  7. FishingwithRusty

    my latest article

    would like to hear your thoughts on the sublect:
  8. FishingwithRusty

    040123 chick

  9. FishingwithRusty

    040123 chick

    in January
  10. FishingwithRusty

    040123 chick

    stars and moon aligned so that i could come out and fish the CFF. i got to ride/drive around in Mike's 22' BassCat all day and was thankful to be in that big ole boat on the way back to the most exposed ramp on the lake. we ran around, looked and fished a bunch of different stuff. ended up...
  11. FishingwithRusty

    Struggling on Chick

    hirnig a guide is a smart move, its unfortunate that soooo many bass fisherman somehow think its a bad thing. most everything we do we learn from someone, sometimes you have to pay for that knowledge/learning experience. ive fished my whole life and i hire a guide when i need to learn something...
  12. FishingwithRusty

    derb for tomorrow

    since im not going to the Classic tomorrow, gonna have a little get together tomorrow on Chickamauga. going out of Holly Circle, safelight to 3pm, $50 a boat(includes big fish), 100% payback, fish alone or as a team(2 people), artificials only, sight fish must be hooked in the mouth, 5 fish...
  13. FishingwithRusty

    aluminum fabrication/boat modification

    anyone got a source for aluminum welding? i want to convert a flat bottom aluminum to a tunnel hull
  14. FishingwithRusty

    How many boats have you owned

    definitely my Gambler 2200 is the best boat ive owned or fished out of(and ive fished out of most of them)
  15. FishingwithRusty

    Anyone know a good carpet man?

    not too hard to do on your own