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Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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  1. S

    Will BPS close the Warehouse?

    I would think they most certainly will close stores that close together.
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    Summer Striper Fishing below Chickamauga Dam

    Higher flow is better for the bite, but makes landing them very hard. Chick dam is terrible for bank fishing large fish, Nickajack is far more conducive. Large bucktail jigs or swim baits are your best lure choice.
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    Dead PPS

    S&W has nothing to do with Walther FYI
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    CFF Origination

    I found the forum from Richards article. While the vast majority of my close friends I met through the CFF, I just don't do forums much anymore. Im still the admin for CFF and check on it near daily but the activity level isn't what it once was. There are lots of reasons for that, primarily...
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    Lost another great fisherman - Labman

    Noooooooooooo. :(
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    Handgun wanted

    I may have what your after, shoot me a message
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    Please consider helping

    Thanks for doing this Davo!
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    Tactical Bassin guys moving to Lake Chick

    Greeeeeeat. Just what the lake needs
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    2021 Deer Season

    There is always miss-prints and I would suspect this to be the case on the book you are referring to. I bet there will be a correction statement made.
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    Room temperature...........................

    I will pay ANYONE that can break the ............ button on Aries keyboard, a LOT of money.
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    Foley Spoons for sale. Killer baits for everything! w / video

    I do not have a store, I can meet up locally or mail them to you.
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    Stripers and invasive species

    I have cleaned hundreds of stripers caught on Chick, Nick, and Watts Bar, I open every one to see what they are eating. I have seen baby drum twice, and one crappie. Lots of shad, and some crayfish. Without a doubt they do not feed on gamefish, end of story.
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    Stripers and invasive species

    You didnt see them catching hybrids on Chic, we have an insanely small population here. Ive been focused on stripers, whites and hybrids for 10 years on Chick and have never caught a hybrid on Chic. The few that are caught come in through the locks, and thats very rare.
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    12 point

    Great deer!
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    Skipjack below the dams

    They are pretty thick below Nick, but they are very small. They will bash a foley over and over, but rarely get a hookup
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    Buying a Kayak, Help?

    Head up to Frontier Outdoors in Kingston, they seem to be selling a TON of boats, if they dont have it, you dont need it.
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    Resource list of locations of certified scales and where to find the line class records?

    Re: Resource list of locations of certified scales and where to find the line class records? Here is a lot of info on how records are certified, line class testing, etc.
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    Resource list of locations of certified scales and where to find the line class records?

    Re: Resource list of locations of certified scales and where to find the line class records? I just checked IGFA, the record for 2lb test line is 36lb 9oz
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    Resource list of locations of certified scales and where to find the line class records?

    Re: Resource list of locations of certified scales and where to find the line class records? What your actually looking for is a "certified scale". The reason nobody cared to help is because it wasnt a bass, thats the only think that gets the attention of game and fish these days. State...