10-29-06 Catfish

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Apr 29, 2005
The catfish haven't quit yet... put in a long hard day on the water with Jody Smith and his friends, Bruce & Christian, from Atlanta today. It certainly wasn't fast & furious, but when all was said and done, they headed back South with 120-quart cooler full of cats. They'll be skinnin' cats until late tonight. We started out below the dam. There are some good channel cats hanging below the turbines. I caught a couple in the 10-pound class yesterday. But there's so much water running it is really hard to fish 'em. Downstream was slow so we bugged out and headed above the dam. That's where we filled the cooler. The fish were really scattered... no real hotspots. It's just a matter of keeping bait on the bottom until you knock one in the head. I'd say we ended the day with 30+ fish from 2 lbs. to 15 lbs. and all points in between.
I bet the 10lb channels in the current were a handfull. I caught one 10lb channel this year and it fought like a 20lb blue. Good job on the guide thing. 30 cats in one day is pretty good in anybody's book.
Good report, Richard.emoThumbsup I may try for a few cats tomorrow after I fish for Crappie for awhile. I'm gonna take the wife with me tomorrow if it warms up enough for her.emoBigsmile emoGeezer
Thanks for the positive report Richard. Great to see that the cats are still on the chew. FM proved that the biguns were still hitting the other day with his post and now you have filled the blanks with the rest of them. Thanks. emoThumbsup
Now I may have to get back out there.
Great report Richard. sent them GA boys home smiling.emoThumbsup emoThumbsup emoThumbsup

I had a couple of people PM me and ask if the catfish were still hitting, you answered that.emoThumbsup Good job and good report.
30 fish in one trip is very good, so congrads emoToast
Does anyone know where you can get some skipjack? emoScratch
I would even buy some. I let myself run out. emoBang
Fishing machine - 10/30/2006 3:19 PM

I had a couple of people PM me and ask if the catfish were still hitting, you answered that.emoThumbsup Good job and good report.
30 fish in one trip is very good, so congrads emoToast
Does anyone know where you can get some skipjack? emoScratch
I would even buy some. I let myself run out. emoBang
In another thread BPrice said they were still ganged up below Guntersville if you want to make the drive. drc said he had a few stockpiled.... I also believe bluegill will work about as well as shad... and they can be caught. Should be ganging up on the bluffs 10 to 20 feet deep. Water temp was in the low 60's.