Well-known member
YankeeSkeeter, Why, and myself went from about 7 until 11:30 this morning. This won't be much of a report because I honestly lost count of the smallmouth and spots. I beat em so bad I felt sorry for them and "purposely" lost count. I'll just say the "we" caught somewhere between several and a bunch, throw in a few drum and 1 catfish and it was a pretty productive morning. Here is a representative smallmouth I caught. aahum.
Dang, forgot something. They bit burnt corndogs and tube jigs and nothing YankeeSkeeter and Why threw!!! How do you like my croppin' now G-Man?
Dang, forgot something. They bit burnt corndogs and tube jigs and nothing YankeeSkeeter and Why threw!!! How do you like my croppin' now G-Man?