115hp Merc won't start

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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2009
I have an '89 Mercury 115hp outboard. When I try to start it the motor cranks 2-3 times and then just spins freely. Tried it countless times before giving up.
I started the motor Friday for the first time since adding Sta-Bill in mid November. Started up fairly easy (about 5 sec. choked) and ran great. Got to the water Saturday morning & it had this problem.
If any of you could help at least let me know where I should start I'd really appriciate it. I'm a DIY kinda person. Thanks!
That is a common issue for a low battery, poor connection or a dragging starter. Do you know how to do a voltage drop test on cables???

The way these starters work, the bendix spins up from centrifugal force. The gear is still and the shaft begins to spin very fast. This causes the gear to climb the shaft and engage the flywheel. So a low battery, poor connection (low volts to starter), and a dragging starter will not allow the starter to spin fast enough to allow the bendix to climb all the way up to the flywheel before it matches the shafts speed and allow the spring to push it back down. So the starter just spins without engage the flywheel. One of the worse things you can do is spray it with something like WD-40 on it. This causes grit to accumulate on the shaft and creates problems and it will go into the starter and cause the carbon dust to gum up and then cause the brushes to hang. I have repaired many starters by simply taking apart and cleaning the brushes, the shaft, bendix, and cleaning the armature. Sometimes they will require brushes. Has worked for me many times in the past. Hope this helps.
Thanks Wrechin2. So if the voltage test rules out, then it's the starter? Just want to make sure that I'm following you right.
A voltage draw test is where you put one lead on the battery post and the other on the starter solenoid post. This test for loss of power through the cables. You would need to do this between many points. It will show you if you have corrision on a connection by the test results. It is not measuring the battery volts, but connections.

More than likely it is just a starter that need to be cleaned or a battery with volts but low amps.

If you need a better explaination of a voltage drop test, call me. I will explain.
Found out I had a bad battery. After I put the new one in my engine started perfect everytime but when i looked at the starter the spindle isnt retracting. It stays up connected to the big gear on the motor emoScratch. Does that mean the starter is sticking or is that the way it should be?
If you "bump" or turn the engine over WITHOUT it starting, it will stay engaged. Once it starts, the gear gets forced downward.

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