12-10-2006 World Record Smallmouth!!!?

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Well-known member
May 10, 2006
This fish story is dedicated to Fat Albert.

There I was, sitting in the middle of the boat not catching squat. Alvin had just put 5 bass in the boat and Jimmy had put 3 or so including a 4lb smallie. I made a regular cast at the end of the golf course with little hope of a fish hitting my lure. I began hopping the tube along the botton, hop, hop when all of sudden one nailed it. I pulled back on the rod with all my might and the battle began. At first the mighty beast went down stream, then up, then under the boat. The poor drag on the Shinamo spinning reel was screaming with agony. Alvin was in the back scrambling for net and all Jimmy could say was "He's gonna break the rod, easy!!!!" As the huge fish came to the surface Alvin was shaking with excitement. All I could think was "Get the net under it, get the net under it!!!" Alvin did a masterful job getting the huge fish into the net. As the fish lay there all the three of us could think about was "This thing is the new world record!!!". But then I remembered the long thread about the hybrids and figured TWRA would find some reason this huge fish would not be elligable. They would call it a smallmouth/largemouth hybrid, or a drum/smallmouth hybrid, or just a drum! With my sprits broken we took a picture of the beast and let her go. We estimated the girl at 15lbs. The amazing thing about this story is I caught another one the same size about an hour later. These were the two largest ones I have every caught and I hope Dhaun puts me in the HOF.

The rest of the day was so, so. Jimmy put a little 4lb smallie in the boat and Alvin followed that up with a minner of fish at 2.5lbs. We managed to put 12 bass in the boat not including the 2 world record fish. The weather was good we just could not find fish today. The water temp was below 50 and it was 53 last Sunday. This 4-5 degree temp drop was not helping matters.


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Beautiful smallmouth! emoThumbsup I'm gonna tell Benny Hull you're trying to take his record away. But you've got about 39 lbs. to go. emoLaugh
<font color="#6600ff">Great story Mr.W... you really had my undivided attention and thanks</font></p>

<font color="#6600ff">for the deadeyekasion....  Great pictures... We need to refer to you as Mr. Drum...hahahahaha   they will stretch your string and make your heart go thumpie thump. Good ole jigging spoon....I have got to get me some of them thangs...  good job.
Hey MrWiskers, Did that world record have a tongue patch?emoPoke .emoBigsmile .
You guys had a really good day! I thought I noticed you all hanging out near those those docks today. That fish Alvin scored is a beautiful color, not as pretty as your record hybrid drummouth (drallie?) but still very nice.... Don't you hate it when those purebred smallmouth interrupt a good day of trash fishin...emoBigsmile
Cool looking pics. Between those and DHAUN's son catching the big smallie, I'd say that's a pretty impressive weekend for some of the chattanooga anglers.

Nice job, and even nicer world record hybrid you got there emoLaugh

Nice catch Mr. Whiskers. I liked the story line also! But I think I would have traded it for a "Little" smallie like yer partner got tho. emoLaugh Thanks for the story and great pics too!emoThumbsup
Obviously, that's a new hybrid species.  If a spot/smallie is a meanmouth, then let's name a drum/smallie a loudmouth!!
polo-dog - 12/11/2006 1:12 PM

Pretty fish guys. What is your favorite color for those -----mouths?

We threw pretty much every color. The 4lber came on a black/white tube (sort of smoke I guess, but two tone), the 2.5lber came on a chartuse/petter, the drum in the pic came on a pumpkin seed tube, and the other 15lb drum came on a black/blue pig n jig. We had no pattern yesterday. The fish were everywhere and nowhere.
Nice job guys. Great fish too. I have yet to go but I'm trying. Meetings, meetings, meetings. I need to meet some smallmouth.
I can relate to that...as I guess others can too.

I was fishing up on Tellico lake one year with my cousin and his wife. We were fishing the rip rap down Hwy 411 to the bridge and I was wearing out smallmouth on a Bandit 200 crankbait. I wasn't getting any largemouth...just smallies. Most were 12 inch fish...no keepers but you know, just fun to catch fish. As we made our way towards the bridge, I hooked into a fish that got my attention REAL quick. I thought it was going to break my rod too and my cousin was going about as crazy as I was. I finally get it near the boat and we both saw the flash of a fish at the same time and it was golden colored to both of us. We said it at the same time SMALLMOUTH!! And the fight was on again. We thought it was the world record smallie too. Finally got it up to the boat and it was a big ole drum. We figured it 10-12 pounds.

On a side note...my dad hooked into one on a jighead/grub a few weeks later that jumped as soon as he knew he had a fish hooked. It WAS a smallie and a gooderun too. We figured it 6-7 pounds. He has a 6 on the wall now and it was about the same size of it. It threw the hook at the same time it jumped.
I caught a drum under the walking bridge about a week ago on a shiner fishing for smallies that was 25 or 30 pounds. It was was on 8 lb. line so needless to say everybody on the bridge cheered when Moby was wrestled aboard. The funniest thing is I knew that 20 or 30 people were watching , so I let out "It's a giant" as loud as I could, Just like Mike Iaconnelli. It was great. Very gratifying, Try it sometime, it relieved all my weeky stress.

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