12/15/06 chickamauga crappie

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2006
Chattanooga TN
Woke up today after working and being exposed to flu all night and decided it was too nice outside to not be on the lake. Loaded up the boat and got to the lake after noon to try and catch a few crappie. Ended up with 17 keepers. Couple of the places I normally fish had boats setting close by and did not get a chance to fish them. One of my brushpiles that has been very productive did not produce a single crappie today?????
Nice stringer, Are you tightlining or slip float fishing those minnows? We are going out Sunday morning. Somewhere between Soddy Creek and harbor lights. If you see a grizzly tracker 20 ft. center console, that 'll be us . CFF stickers on the back of the motor and the front of the console, stop by and say hello.-------STEVE
Thanks drumking. Something about crappie fishing is so addicting. I buy all of this bass fishing stuff and tell my self that I am going to do nothing but bass fish anymore. To this day I am still crappie fishing.
