12/6/06 chickamauga crappie

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2006
Chattanooga TN
This report is a little late but i have been working and finally have the time to post some pics. My partner was only about a hour or so late but atleast he made it. This trip was the first trip that i have caught more non-keeper crappie than keepers. We had 36 keepers with the biggest being 14 inches. We caught around 80 total with the most of the non-keepers being 9.999999 inches long. We caught them anywhere from 8 feet to 35 feet and most on the edge of the river channel. My one honey hole did not produce for me like it has the past few weeks. Caught most on 1/16oz black head, pink body, lime green tail and then a red head, yellow body, yellow tail. We also caught a few on minnows.

Thanks for the report. Glad you guys did so good on them and thanks for the pics. Soon as I get over this headcold I'm gonna get back out there. We had some of our best days at the end of Dec and the first week of Jan. emoThumbsup
This time of year is by far my favorite for catching crappie. I am going to chickamauga this morning and hopefully will do ok. My grandmother loves to eat crappie and so do I. I guess I could give her some deer tenderloin and crappie for a Christmas gift.