15% ethanol

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
old fort,tn,,,now in wisconsin
i'm getting ready to do some maintance for 2011 tx season,and i starting doing some research on fuel and related issuses,here's some info i came across:
The recent EPA waiver allows for the sale of fuel with up to 15% ethanol for use in NEWER CARS AND LIGHT TRUCKS.
US EPA regulations don't allow for the use of this fuel (E-15) in Marine Engines (not approved).

Mercury's engines are designed to tolerate fuels with an ethanol content of up to 10% ethanol.

Use of fuels with higher than 10% ethanol content is not supported, recommended, or approved.

For warranty purposes, any damage that might occur due to the use of 15% ethanol content fuel will not be covered under the factory warranty.

All that being said.... it's much more likely that your commonly used station (2-4 years from now) will carry E-10 fuel AND E-15 fuel, eliminating "ethanol free" blends.

Mercury still recommends the use of ethanol-free fuel whenever possible (but cautions strongly about switching back and forth between ethanol and non-ethanol fuel, unless tank levels are as low as physically possible (preferably DRY)
Good post. Most things (outboards, lawn mowers, ect.) are E-10 ready from the get go and have been for a long time. People just didn't realize it.
fischnrod - 12/2/2010 4:08 PM What do we do when we can't get ethanol free anymore?

Will have to take extra precautions like always have your tank full when sitting. Don't let it sit for long periods of time or it will go through phase seperation (looks like a milk shake). delt with that a few times at Chrysler. Keep a eye on the fuel hoses for internal breakdown, ect. It is some nasty stuff. </p>
Ethanol sucks! It really pisses me off that they are forcing this crap down our throats. I see problems on a regular basis from the use of it. I refuse to buy it from stations that sell it. If everyone would do the same, maybe the others would take note. I realize the chance of that happening is very slim. Kinda like the whole thing about "on Noctember the 32nd, don't buy fuel on that day and show Shexxron that we mean business"! I will pay more for gallon, and drive way out of my way to support the stations that are not selling it. And I let the station owners and managers know that I shop there for that reason. I also refer my customers, friends and family to these stations. Most people don't realize that the cheaper ethanol stuff gets substantially less fuel mileage. In reality, they are saving little or nothing per tank. See, you guys done went and got me fired up about it. There I go ranting. :)

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