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Feb 18, 2010
The motor is a 2008 year model EFI if i idle any extended period of time motor will die and will not crank back for 15 to 30 mins it just turns over like the kill switch is pulled. Once it crank backs runs like nothings wrong this has happened about 20 times in the last year. Does anyone have any suggestions.
Is this a OPTIMAX or a EFI?? Both are fuel injected. Opti is a DFI. When it doesn't start do you hear the fuel pump whining??? Is it still under warranty???
With the earlier version of the EFI engines, the ECU had issues with the fuel pump drivers going bad. This would cause the fuel pumps not to run, thus had no fuel pressure and would start. A lot of people would simply install relay and let the key control the fuel pump and everything was ok. In 2002 he changed the ECU to a ECM and it looks totally different. I have not heard of any issues with them for fuel pump drivers not to say it is not impossible. </p>

I take that it is very repeatable??? If you can make it do it almost every time, you may remove the cowling and see if it stalls. The ECM (ECU) may be overheating from the lack of air circulating through the cowling and shutting down. Then taking time to cool off. I had a Johnson 150 last year that the starter would drag and wouldn't start if you made a hard run and tried to start again in less than 20 minutes. It wasn't overheating and had good water pressure. Pressure and volume are different. You can have good pressure and little volume. We replaced the impeller and the issue went away. It wasn't overheating, just running a little warm causing additional heat inside the cowling. It was a strange one for sure. Just a thought as at idle the impeller is not moving very much water and if worn at all, then it may cause it to run a little warmer causing similar issue. Mercury want them replaced yearly on 98% of their stuff. "Normal" temps are 165-190. The alarm doesn't sound until 240+/- so there is quite a lot of room. Just my thoughts. emoToast</p>
I just had the water pump changed and it did not help my problem and it may do it again it might not so i never know when it might happen so i try not to idle any extended period of time. the water pressure is around 5 at idle and 20 to 25 wide open throttle.
That rules that out. Try running it for a very long time without the cowling on and see what happens. Maybe a air circulation issue. Unless you can duplicate it or it finally fails, you can't diagnose it. It may have set a code and would take a DDT to check it. Have you had it to a dealer for this issue?
Yes I have it to Nichols Marine they said that no codes were stored and could not find anything wrong. Just not sure what to do at this point.
my 96' 200 EFI has done the same thing in the past it was vapor locked, I know it has a fuel pump but when it vapor locked when I idleing around went back to the pump up bulb and it was flat, pumped up the bulb and the motor started up it has done this three times before all from idleing around for a long time, I did the same thing pump up the bulb
Check the bulb to see if it has gone soft. I had similar problem and found it to be the gas. It was evaporating. Bought some ethanol free gas and added some marine stabil. It cured the problem.