1999 ficht 200 check engine light

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2006
OK here it goes. Motor runs good at idle, but the minute you start to take off the check engine light and horn goes off. Motor loses no power and still runs great. Back it down to idle and light goes off. Take off and light and horn go off again. Checked both fuel filters found no water. Also changed plugs. I know these motors have had their problems but mine has been very reliable. Any help is appreciated.
Sounds like you may have a reg / rectifier problem when you come off idle it does not supply enough voltage. does the motor start missing,most fuel related problems on fichts will not set a code they do not have fuel vacum switches or any type of fuel pressure switch. they only have a water sensor in the fuel filter housing ,it is going to be electrical . every time it sets a check engine light it should store a code get it hookeed up to a computer and see what the codes are , if there are not any codes it could be something as simple as a bad gauge.
I had the same problem with my Ficht a few years ago. It turned out to be a loose battery connection. Hope yours is that easy.
Take it to glen gamble seems to be the only honest boat machanic around and dont take forever and is acutually fixed when u get it back.
Ok took the motor to a locally dealer. When hooked up to computer it shows an open circuit on all cylinders. Makes no sense the motor still runs fine. Know he tells me the EMM is probably bad. Alot of money, so I think I want a second opinon. Asking for help on who to trust about Ficht motors.
had the same problem a few yrs. ago. it was the ecm, got a used one no more problems.i was told that there is a place in al. that can reprogram or that they sometimes have used ones. the repair shop in red bank that is no longer there took care of mine. most people on this site didn"t think much of them. but they took care of my problem, i think the ecm was about 500 other quotes were much higher.
i had to send mine to al last year and have it fixed was not cheap have not had any issues since then they are the only game in town that works on ecu's for fitch, orange beach ala.
Yea that is where mine is now should be back this week sometime should have had it fixed last year but got ripped a new one by the people in red bank dont surprise me hes not there anymore

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