2.5 merc

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Check the serial numbers on the bracket that holds the engine to the transom then if you go online there are a couple of sights where you can put in the serial number and it will give you the spec.
Your Serial Number actually does not include the 0 so it would read B242426 which is a 1988 model motor. Not sure how to tell from the serial # if its a 2.4 or a 2.5 but i don't think the 2.5 came out until 1991. The cylinder blocks are different, there are some visual indicators maybe auburnwes of wrenchin 2 could chime in on that.
The 2.5 did come out in 91. Can't really go by the seial on the mid as a 2.0L, 2.4, or a 2.5 will fit on the mids and I have swaped a ton of engines. The best way is to get the serial off the enigine block. Can't really go by sight as the 89-90 150 and 175 engines were basicly 2.5 blocks with 2.4 sleeves and were known as "fat blocks" and I am building one right now. Take a picture and post it and I might be able to shed some light on it.