2 CFFers in the paper!

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
Harrison, TN
Rsimms has a wonderful article in today's Times Free Press. Nice to see fishing machine's name in the paper, and not in the jail dockets! Richard picked Terry's and my brain for a useable quote or two and wrote another top-notch article, and even managed to mention the CFF! Thanks Richard for another great outdoors story.emoWorthy
He would have gotten some good info from you two. Your both class act guys who realy take their fishing serious.
Richard as always, did a great job on this artical. I'm glad to see the catfishing around here is taking hold on a lot of people. This sport will keep growing, you can count on it. Thanks Richard for sharing this with everyone. emoThanks
Fame now, stardom soon coming. Congratulations guys. Richard did good didn't he!?emoBigsmile emoGeezer
Oh brother! I hope it dont go to your heads......too late!

Thanks for helping the sport of catfishing, and fishing in general guys, kudos to all THREE of you!
<font color="#ff0000">good read as always and our catfishin CFF's with a bangup job....waytogo guys.....toot,toot,toot our horn....Richard, you amaze me with writing skills.......thanks..........FA</font>
Thanks Eric for the heads up on the article. I will probably not read it until tomorrow but I won't let the paper get to the recycle bin until I see it now.
Just got to read the article, and I was happy to see a couple smiling mugs
with it!</p>

Nice article Richard.

The funny part is a couple different folks at work all brought it to my attention, and asked if I knew any of these guys in it....I said, "heck no!"
 (I aint admitting anything!)