2012 CBA Season!

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Mar 1, 2006
Myself and the officers of the 2012 have been working to put on another great season of tournament fishing! Fill free to check out the website at www.cbatournament.com to view the rules, event dates, etc. Again this year looks to be another profitable year for the CBA fishermen. Total payouts for 2011 exceeded $200K!

I wanted to make this post to let you guys know about a few minor changes that you will see this year. The first and most exciting news is that TWRA biologist and Reservoir Fisheries Managers will be on site taking genetic samples from bass over 8lbs. This is part of TWRAs investigation into the success of the stocking of Florida strain largemouth in Chickamauga. The results of this study will be used to help better manage the fishery we love so much. We are excited to team up with TWRA to help do what we can to protect and improve this fishery. This is an opportunity for anyone that wants to come see how these samples are taken or wants to ask the fisheries biologist any questions. We will also have results of these genetic samples available for our anglers and the public. I think it would be cool to be able to tell an angler what percent influence of Florida Strain was found in the fish he weighed in the prior event!

Another change you will see is that we have struck a deal with one of the best tournament polygraph testers in the state that will allow us to have random polygraphs given throughout the season. This will be done randomly at officers discretion and the anglers chosen to be tested must pass the test before any prizes or cash are awarded. I decided to put this together in response to the many folks who said they would fish the CBAs if we had a random ploygraph. I have full confidence that all of the anglers who fish with us follow the rules to a T, and these tests will insure that!

We have a hand full of new sponsors and some new prizes that we will be able to award this year! We also have many of the reliable sponsors we have had for years that help us to make this work. We are excited to announce that TOW BOAT US/ US ANGLER will once again be sponsoring our classic event, and there will be cash incentives for towboat members. If anyone is interested in renewing or starting a new towboat membership, let me know I have the forms or you can contact Capt. Shane or Stacey O'Neal at423.326.9768.

Our goal is to constantly improve and enhance the experience for our anglers and our sponsors. If anyone has any questions, comments, or suggestion. Feel free to contact me or any of the officers listed on our webpage.
can we get the right year on the very first line...

Wednesday night we met and went over all of the rules. Billy was working on changing all those 11s to 12s yesterday. Be patient grasshopper! If thats the only thing you are upset about in the rules, then GOOD!
Plus you cant say there arent any rule changes if you have added the note about the modified A-rig....

11. TACKLE AND EQUIPMENT: Only artificial lures, including pork trailers, may be used. NO live bait!! Only one (1) rod per person may be in use at anytime. The 2012 ruling on the Alabama-Tennessee-Umberlla rig is as followed:

“A legal rig for the Chattanooga Bass Association Tournaments will consist of NO MORE than 3 wires and Three Baits. (Spinner bait blades count as a bait) CBA contestants will not be allowed to have in their possession any rig with more than 3 wires or 3 baits. “

The officers of the CBA will maintain a ZERO tolerance policy in regards to rule infractions concerning the rig. The use or possession of any rig with more than 3 baits or 3 wires is strictly prohibited. Anyone caught, seen or suspected of breaking this rule will be subjected to a polygraph test. Anyone proven guilty of breaking this particular rule is subject to a complete banning from all the CBA events for 2012.
*CBA officers reserve the right to amend these rules which will only be changed if TWRA changes the state laws concerning this rig/bait.
Hey Shaun, Your right, there are a few things I need to change but the main goal was to get the Umbrella rig ruling up.
Behind the scenes of all this is a TON OF WORK. I spent the better part of 3 days working on Ads and moving files...naming files etc so we can stay organized to go to print and get the site finished up. Baby Steps...LOL.

I should have the Rules updated by Saturday morning and some new Ads going in place. Planned on doing that last night but my stomach was tore up and I just needed a break. :)
FYI, you can have spinnerbait blades on one of the three wires, in front of bait. Heck you can put 10 blades up the wires if you want, but know more than 3 wires. After watching the interview with Bobby Wilson of TWRA, its crystal clear whats leagal. But I will not allow any 5 wire/ 5 bait rigs to be thrown. If you are seen throwing one, or are found to have been throwing through the polygraph test, then you will be banned from CBA for the rest of the season and it will be very embarassing. Zero tolerance means the first person found breaking this rule will be put up on a pole!!!! Our goal is to have a fair, fun fishing trail. Anyone who takes away from the fun or enjoyment of our events will not be welcome back!

As long as you are happy Mr. Lusk, I'm happy...lol!
Already cut 2 wires off of my rigs. Apparently I cut the wrong ones since my rig wants to act sort of like a helicopter now. emoBang
churly - 1/20/2012 9:50 AM

FYI, you can have spinnerbait blades on one of the three wires, in front of bait. Heck you can put 10 blades up the wires if you want, but know more than 3 wires. After watching the interview with Bobby Wilson of TWRA, its crystal clear whats leagal. But I will not allow any 5 wire/ 5 bait rigs to be thrown. If you are seen throwing one, or are found to have been throwing through the polygraph test, then you will be banned from CBA for the rest of the season and it will be very embarassing. Zero tolerance means the first person found breaking this rule will be put up on a pole!!!! Our goal is to have a fair, fun fishing trail. Anyone who takes away from the fun or enjoyment of our events will not be welcome back!

As long as you are happy Mr. Lusk, I'm happy...lol!

well not what i was trying to point out but that's cool with me
Billy, you & Justin know,I know how much work & time goes in to putting together something like the CBA's. And Billy I remember how crazy it was this timelast year trying to get everything finalized & put together for the flyer to make it to printon time. </p>

BUT all Shaun was doing was letting you know something was incorrect on the CBA web site. He didn't ask, or deserve to be replied to in any way that could at all be construed as derogatory or demeaning. Not even said jokingly.( I for one have learned the hard way, thatyou never know howthe public may takeeven the best intendedjoke). An officers should always serve, not take away in any form.</p>

Anglers shouldn't be made to feel like they can't voice their opinion on any thing to do with the trail or circuit they help to support. I've seen this before (althoughmostly small things)but never said anything about it as it really makes the whole organization appear less professional.</p>

And I for one would really hate to see anything take away from a great fishing organization like the CBA's!</p>
churly - 1/21/2012 12:33 AM

Easy trigger, both of the Lusk brothers are close buddies of mine and I was just having fun.

Yep, both Shawn and Andy are great fishermen! emoWorthy Finished last year in the overall standings at seventh place in the CBA. Only eleven points out of winning the whole thing!!! That is about one good fish in a tounament from happening. emoWorthy They are the type of guys that can kick your butt with a smile. emoThumbsup Jmax