2013 CFF people that I have fished with update.

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2006
Spurhunter usually starts this one each year, but I was thinking about it this morning and beat him to the punch. I am going to compile a list of the CFF members that I have fished with. If I accidently leave you off the list, it is not intentional and please let me know. I do know of one member that I took out 2 years ago and I have forgotten his screen name. I showed him how to catch spots and largemouth bass at the Riverpark. He did post several times last year. I think that he lost his job and may not be in the area anymore.
Here goes:
1. 2 jigs
2. Bassert
3. Bay Man
4. BBass
5. BPrice
6. Bent Rod
7. Biofisher
8. Beetlespin (Pre CFF)
9. Catfish 1
10. Cheez
11. Corky
12. EricM
13. Foodsaver
14. Fishinvol
15. Fishinfool
16. Fishinfire
17. Fat Albert
18. Gator
19. HonkyTonker26
20. Hagen
21. Hal
22. JWAteacher2
23. Jmax
24. JSV
25. John Faulkner
26. Labman
27. MrWiskers
28. MadBomber
29. Mallard Echo
30. Murdock
31. Nautica man
32. Nickajack Angler
33. Polo-dog
34. Procraft
35. Rsimms
36. Railman
37. Reliable
38. Skeeter07
39. Spurhunter
40. Salecreekaviator
41. Tennessee Talker
42. Tennfisher
43. WBwilly
44. WLG
45. Yellburt
46. DHaun
47. Hoggerhead
48. Bobber7
49. Cuonthelake
50. Wolftever kid
51. Bay Man
52. Fish4thepeck
53. Sauger
54. Fishing Machine
55. Mashuncle
56. Captain Hazmat
57. Gene0122
58. Jimbow

If you have fished with me and your name isn't on this list, forgive me for not remembering and let me know so that I can add it to the list. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
You got me, but not by much.

1 Dhaun
2 Madbomber
3 2jigs
4 Fishinvol
5 Ram Jack Scott
6 AlvinC
7 Jmax
8 Drumking
9 Crazyaboutbass
10 DRC
11 Sandskeeter
12 Bbass
13 YankeeSkeeter
14 Rsimms
15 WS6Clint
16 Minner
17 Skeeter175
18 Skeeter07
19 BassmanIU
20 Jon the Fisherman
21 Shsimons
22 Jason
23 Whisler11
24 Cheez
25 Jdees
25 Fishin Fool
26 Fishin Fire
27 EricM
28 Wet Willie
29 Polo
30 Foodsaver
31 Biofisher
32 Fat Albert
33 DoubleB
34 Spurhunter
35 Bprice
36 Bass Hunter
37 Craazysmom
38 Honkeytonker26
39 TnDoe270
40 Catch 1
41 Tyler Ware
42 snipe0209
43 JDK
44 Shark
45 Nauticman
46 Captain Hazmat
47 Firstlight
48 Pointer 78
49 Labman
50 Reliable
51 Tnriverguide
52 ChooChooSnakeMan
53 fchupaska
54 Dropshot
55 machinekiller

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