Well-known member
Dates, locations and times are listed below. Take note that we have deleted the February day tournament and added a July night tournament. We have also moved the start time of the night tournaments from 7pm to 7:30pm. The Classic will end at 4pm not 5pm. No real reasons for the changes other than a couple of requests to do so and so we thought what the heck, it will be the same for everyone that shows up whatever the date or the time. The rules have been updated on our webpage at also. Just a tweek here and there of the rules - nothing that shouts "Hey look at me, I'm new".
2017 CATCH Tournament Trail Dates
March 4 Chickamauga Grasshopper Safelight - 3pm
April 1 Chickamauga Grasshopper Safelight - 3pm
April 15 Watts Bar Fooshie Safelight - 3pm
May 13 Chickamauga Grasshopper Safelight - 3pm
June 9 Watts Bar Fooshie 7:30pm-3:30am
July 7 Chickamauga Grasshopper 7:30pm – 3:30am
July 21 Watts Bar Fooshie 7:30pm – 3:30am
August 18 Watts Bar Fooshie 7:30pm – 3:30am
September 15 Chickamauga Grasshopper 7:30pm – 3:30am
October 14 Chickamauga Grasshopper Safelight - 4pm
Battle of Chickamauga High School Tournament
April 29 Chickamauga Dayton Safelight-3pm
Guys & Dolls
May 20 Chickamauga Grasshopper Safelight-1pm
2017 CATCH Tournament Trail Dates
March 4 Chickamauga Grasshopper Safelight - 3pm
April 1 Chickamauga Grasshopper Safelight - 3pm
April 15 Watts Bar Fooshie Safelight - 3pm
May 13 Chickamauga Grasshopper Safelight - 3pm
June 9 Watts Bar Fooshie 7:30pm-3:30am
July 7 Chickamauga Grasshopper 7:30pm – 3:30am
July 21 Watts Bar Fooshie 7:30pm – 3:30am
August 18 Watts Bar Fooshie 7:30pm – 3:30am
September 15 Chickamauga Grasshopper 7:30pm – 3:30am
October 14 Chickamauga Grasshopper Safelight - 4pm
Battle of Chickamauga High School Tournament
April 29 Chickamauga Dayton Safelight-3pm
Guys & Dolls
May 20 Chickamauga Grasshopper Safelight-1pm