225 ficht motor

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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On a DFI engine you will have 2 fuel pumps. The lift pump is a mechanical pump that pulls the fuel out of the tank in the boat and pushes it throught the water seperator and into a small "fuel tank" on the engine that is called a VST. The VST is where the electric fuel pump gets it's fuel supply from. Hope this helps!
Could it cause the motor to not start but if you spray gas in the 6 ports in the front it will start right up everytime its like its starving for gas
yes it also could be the ecm thats what happened to mine last year i have a program for 225 fitch up to 2002 it might tell you whats wrong. mine just shut off and would not start had to send ecu to orange county and have it reworked hope this helps
Not a ficht expert, but from what I understand about the OMC DFI,The ECU has a start circuit that increases the pulsewidth of the injectors to "choke" it if you will. Mercury EFI does this as well by tripling the normal pulsewidth for start up when the engine is below a certain tempature. You may want to call DFI Technologies at (866) 298-1510. They may be able to tell you over the phone what you need to do. They are the ones who made it!!!!! Hope this helps!

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