Left work an hour early today and decided to fish Wolftever for a couple of hours with my wife (who does not fish). This was only my second time ever in the Wolf so I was pretty much guessing. I tried to find structure on the creek channel and managed to catch 2 largemouths and a spot. No drum today so my streak of 4 stright trips with a drum is broken. The one in the pic was close to 15" and came off a laydown using a black/blue pig n jig. The other two came on a fire tiger color crank bait. The water had a stain to it so I used the firetiger instead of the white I normally throw. The weather was nice and warm and the crappie fisherman were catch a few as I was bass fishing.
I almost forgot. All three fish were in less than 3 feet of water on or just off points that intersect the main creek channel.
I almost forgot. All three fish were in less than 3 feet of water on or just off points that intersect the main creek channel.