3-25-2007 Junk Fishing with Dhaun

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May 10, 2006
You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. Took Dhaun bass fishing this morning and all he did was junk fish the whole time.

Just kidding.

We met up at the Riverpark after I waited in Hamiltons for what seem like forever buying shiners. I think everyone with a fishing license was going crappie fishing today. With the shiners in tow (the little ones) we headed to the bridge pillings downtown. Picked up 5 fish with the best being around 1.5 lbs. Very little current so the fish were not stacked as they normally do. Headed down to the bend and within the first 15 minutes I had the largest bass I have ever seen on Nick blow up on a torpedo. Have you see the Muskie shows were the muskie follow the bait then explodes on it. Same thing happened this moring. I am sure I jerked it away from the fish but cound not help it. A few fish later I hook into a stump that turned out to be an 8lb flathead. Man what a fight.

We headed down river to the Dhaun Memorial Junk Fish and Bluegill hole were we boated a few spots, some bluegill and a channel cat. I could tell David really wanted a drum so we headed down river some more. After about an hour David got his wish with a nice 7lber. Why to go!!!

We ended the day with 30 bass in the boat with 10 of more that got off, 1 drum, 1 channel cat, 1 flathead, a handfull of bluegills, and a couple of little yellow stripe. Weather was perfect.

Fish were caught on shiners (about 50%), tubes, pig n jigs and jigging spoons.

Bbass and daughter were out as well fishing large shiners. I think she whooped him pretty good.emoPoke
emoLaugh I knew you were goin to make me pay for what I jigged up today...Thanks for the trip MrWiskers and for giving up the Ole MrWiskers Honorary Drum Hideout! I appreciate a good junk fish trip and if you ever quit your day job you always have my endorsement as an expert local guide!

Seriously - thanks for the trip and shiners - its a great day when you can go out and catch 30 spaaats! emoThumbsup
I know you guys had fun! Atleast getting to hear Olivia and see her on the boat was good for a giggle or too..LOL! Shes a handful. </p>

Glad you two got out and caught some fish. Even though there wasnt any current, the fish really seemed to bite well today!</p>
Dang, and I had to work today! Sounds like a fun day out there. Good job guys and thanks for the report. Makes me wish I had been out there today...

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