skeeter07 and I have been talking about hitting the Riverpark together since fall. Well today was the day. Wind was stiff but the sun made for a not too bad day. We met at 3 and fished until 7:30. Total bass in the boat today was 63 with the largest being around 1.5lbs. I did not get to take skeeter to my better banks due to the wind so we wore out the little fish. Fish were mostly caught on cranks, pig n jigs, spinner bait and tubes. Most fish were caugth within 5 feet of the bank and these little fish were probably males. Won't be long before the females start moving up. Out best 5 today would only have weighed around 5-6lbs.
Thanks for the ride today skeeter07, my treat next time.
Thanks for the ride today skeeter07, my treat next time.