4-8-2007 63 Easter Bass on the Riverpark

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May 10, 2006
skeeter07 and I have been talking about hitting the Riverpark together since fall. Well today was the day. Wind was stiff but the sun made for a not too bad day. We met at 3 and fished until 7:30. Total bass in the boat today was 63 with the largest being around 1.5lbs. I did not get to take skeeter to my better banks due to the wind so we wore out the little fish. Fish were mostly caught on cranks, pig n jigs, spinner bait and tubes. Most fish were caugth within 5 feet of the bank and these little fish were probably males. Won't be long before the females start moving up. Out best 5 today would only have weighed around 5-6lbs.

Thanks for the ride today skeeter07, my treat next time.
Sounds like you guys had a good day! I'll be down there Tuesday with the Pres of optronics...If anyone else is, look or the white Stratos and say hello. Optronics will be a great sponser for the CFAC-(casting for a cause)
Well finally got to get out and fish with Mr.Whiskers today like he said we started out around 3:30 or so and fished untill 7:30 / Amd boy did I have a blast catching fish today . Well he didnt get his DRUM today but he did get a descent channel cat that weighed 6lbs and he had another good fish pull off . At the end of the day we had 63 bass all together and we had sevearl more get off at the boat . not a bad day of fishing .emoToast emoToast

Cant wait to get back out thereemoBigsmile
Good to hear you guy got into them Skeet. You got to watch ol'Wiskers on that river. He'll put a woopin on ya in a hurry. He'll get ya down by 20-30 before he tells ya that your pig & jig's too big.
I saw a white boat around the bend yesterday around 7:00 . Mr. Whiskers you are the river Guru and I don't believe that you would allow your partners for the day to fish with the wrong bait. emoSmile Keep it up Man.
MrWhiskers, please take Fat Albert down there while the fish are trying to commit suicide. I think he might be able to catch 1 or 2. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
Man I was supposed to be on the water yesterday w/ my bro in law, but we decided to deal with the family stuff. Looks like we missed out on the fish, but had a nice day spending time with the family. Congrats on the nice stringer...