I have a 98 Tracker with a 40 Mercury on it. last friday went out to soddy and fished all day. I made several runs up the lake all the way up to almost Harrison Bay and back up past Possum Creek, the boat ran great. On my way back to the Soddy boat ramp at top end on full plane it just started dying. It acted like it was running out of gas but never would die completely just fall all the way to idle then rev back up and then die. it repeated this all the way to the ramp. Yesterday I went out again and it ran great on my way out to the lake, and I moved two more times with no trouble. then on my third move it started the same series of starting and stoping. Could this be a fuel filter or fuel pump or venting issue, or something electrical that gets hot and then starts shutting down. Any help will be GREATLY appareicated. Got to get this fixed, cant catch fish in the driveway!!!