5-24-2006 Cats on the Coon (Part 2)

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Well-known member
May 10, 2006
Went out again today from Racoon Mtn and I should have stayed home to mow the yard. Good weather, high water, no wind, river running. Caught 5 catfish total with the largest only about 8 lbs (hence no picture as only 10lbs and over get a picture). The cats were sloooooow and seemed to be mouthing and rubbing the bait instead of eating it. The largest one I caught I hung in the tail (the tip of the tail mind you and I could do nothing with the fish for a while). I have read that cats have taste buds over their entire body and they will at time rub the bait to taste it. This would explain how I hooked it in the tail.

Gave up cats and decided to bass fish and only caught 5 bass that had a total weigth of about 2 lbs. One bass was only 1.5" longer than the spook. I guess all the fish got full yesterday.

The only thing I can say is fishing is like the lottery, you have to play (fish) to win. Maybe this weekend will be better.
Hmmm? That's weird. We were fishing upriver. We did well. Just fished about 2 hours... put 8 or 10 fish in the boat and missed (or lost) several more. Biggest was 27 lbs., another 17 lb'er and several 8's or 10's. Pictures are in my buddies camera. Will post if he sends 'em my way. I thought about you downriver and figured you were killin' em. As you said... it's like the lottery.
Who knows. Catfishing is all about being in the right spot at the right time. I have been on trips were the guy in the back of the boat will catch 7-8 fish the the guy in the front will catch 1 fishing at the exact same depth with the exact same bait. We fished our 3 most productive spots and I guess they cats were just not there or they may have move a little deeper or shallower. I have also fished where if the boat is out of position 5-10 feet you will not get a single fish. This is very true if the fish are holding along a drop. I'm going back this weekend so they can't hide forever.

I'm at least glad someone found them.
Here's a couple of pictures of last night's cats. The sign Mike Johnson is holding with his fish has a reason. He's taking part in a competition on the "Brotherhood of the Catfish" forum (http://www.catfish1.com) Competitors must have their special sign to document that their catches are indeed recent. It takes a minimum 5 lb. fish to "get on the board." I'd say Mike beat that, plus some!


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Way to go Richard! I know that made Mike's day, Iv'e talked to him on-line for a while now and he seems like a really good guy, glad you two got on some good fish. I went out this a.m. and didn't fair quite so well, I came up with a big fat zero, lol. I went to skull island again hoping to put myself "on the board" for the fish-off. I saw last night both dams would be running two or more generators but didn't look this a.m. to see what time they would start. I got out on the river only to find there was no current (they didn't turn them on till after noon), I should have went up to WattsBar. I'm heading up to NYC for the weekend so it will be next week before I get to do anymore fishing, try and leave me a few for when I get back.
Did you get those fish on skipjack?
Sorry about the bad day MrWiskers.. Sounds like my luck, always a day late and a dollar short..emoLaugh

Nice report and good looking fish there Rsimms ! Anyone should be proud of a catch like that! Thanks for the posts guys!emoThumbsup
Man, those on-line tourneys sure are a lot of fun, Iv'e fished it for three years now and they just keep getting better. They are more my speed since you can fish when you have time and not at a specified time. I thought about suggesting one for CFF but there's a lot to setting one up and keeping up with it, they usually last a month or two. Might be something to think about in the future if enough folks are intrested.
Nice fish!

Looks like the weather this weekend is not going to be good for drifting but I'm going anyway. I will let you know how it goes.
drc - 5/25/2006 8:03 PM

Man, those on-line tourneys sure are a lot of fun, Iv'e fished it for three years now and they just keep getting better. They are more my speed since you can fish when you have time and not at a specified time. I thought about suggesting one for CFF but there's a lot to setting one up and keeping up with it, they usually last a month or two. Might be something to think about in the future if enough folks are intrested.

Daniel that would be a great idea. Wonder if we could get enough members to sign up? THe BOC one is about fun not about money so you get to trash talk if you win.emoLaugh
rsimms - 5/25/2006 7:28 PM

Here's a couple of pictures of last night's cats. The sign Mike Johnson is holding with his fish has a reason. He's taking part in a competition on the "Brotherhood of the Catfish" forum (http://www.catfish1.com) Competitors must have their special sign to document that their catches are indeed recent. It takes a minimum 5 lb. fish to "get on the board." I'd say Mike beat that, plus some!

That was an excellent evening getting to fish with someone that that is not only a great fisherman but is also a great conversationalist. It was one of my most enjoyable times fishing. Thanks again Richard!!!!!