5th Annual Fishing for Kids Results

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2007
We want to Thank everyone that came out and fished today. The toys they brought will bring smiles and laughter to some needy kids this Christmas.</p>


Also many Thanks tothe merchants that made the door prizes possible. Everyone left with something.</p>


Thanks to Danny Pitassi, John Fults, and Keith Cox forall theirtime and work!</p>


We had 10 boats, 19 adult anglers and one Jr angler. Fishing remained tough on Nickajack with 6 bagsweighed, none with limits. We paid 1st and 2nd places along with big fish.</p>


Congratulations to Jim Henry and Carol Bailey on the Win and Big Fish!!</p>


Congratulations to Donnie Green and Cecil Davis on 2nd Place!!</p>


Beloware the teams that weighed: (# of fish.....total weight.......big fish)</p>


Jim Henry and Carol Bailey.....3....8.26.....3.99</p>

Donnie Green and Cecil Davis....3....5.41....2.18</p>

Jasper Jones and Bo Hicks....2....5.00....2.52</p>

Roy and Tyan Massengale...1...2.52</p>

Chris Green and Austin McNabb...1....1.91</p>

Wayne Galloway and John Fults...1....91...(Spotted)</p>


Wewill post a link to the photos in a day or two.</p>














We also want to thank Tyan Massengale for helping with the door prize drawing. </p>


Here are few photos.</p>




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