Finished up my day at 4:30 and heard the Chick calling my name. Got the boat and headed out. Man, was it hot.emoHoppingmad I thought I may have messed up becuase the first couple of points I hit I did not get a bite. Than about 6 the switch came on and they started hitting. 18 to 20 feet on a t-RIG. Had about 15 to 20 with three nice keepers around 15 and a half to 16 inches. About 7:30 or 8 I decided to try a shallow bite and hit it right before dark. Tried a top water and did not get a ripple. Went back to the worm and caught three slicks. Just when I thought the big ones had moved out I got a hit and when it picked it up it came straight at the boat. That fish was moving, by the time I got up to it to set the hook it was next to the trolling motor.emoEek Set the hook and the water blew up. It was only about 2 feet and the bass was about 3 to 3 and a half. That was the final keeper so I did not have five but four nice ones I would say going 9 and half lbs.emoBigsmile Jmax