76 Years Ago Today

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Man... I can tell school is out. You've got too much time on your hands. emoLaugh By the way, what year was the War of 1812?
Is that right? 
Don't know that one, and i loved history in school....

Some people have alltimers, I have sometimers....
craazyboutbass - 6/2/2008 4:32 PM George Washington Perry landed the 22lb 4oz largemouth out of Montgomery Lake, Georgia.

Just another peice of information that everyone, who likes bass fishing, should know!

Ok, I'll bite, why "should" we know?

Kevin, make sure you keep things in life in perspective, George Perry was just a good ol' redneck out to feed his family, not start a quest that has lasted 76 years to beat his record. Take Rsimms advice, find a good book on history, and respect the heros that have given their lives for our geat country.
I know i cant type well but try to type when the computer is jumping about a ft. off the bunk in the truck when co driver is driving, yaw think tn has bad road lol go to californa one time......u got me on that one B like i said i graduated from bradley central so give me a little lead way lol B
I wish Spur would LIGHTEN UP! Man I just posted about what happened a good 76 years ago today.... Here comes Spur saying things that aren't even related to what I'm saying! I watch history channel everyday just about. I am very interested in history. Spur, quit posting negative things everytime I post.
Bass fishermen should know what the record is, so that if they catch a 23lb bass they'll know why they should keep it with them and call IGFA! 
Jeez spur, please don't post on my threads if you don't have anything good to say. 
You Guy's are Funny, </p>

I dropped the stick i was going to use to stir it up,</p>

"Mama said i better behave", Ill take the 50/50 though </p>
The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain from June 1812 to the spring of 1815, although the peace treaty ending the war was signed in Europe in December 1814. The main land fighting of the war occurred along the Canadian border, in the Chesapeake Bay region, and along the Gulf of Mexico; extensive action also took place at sea.

OK i will take my million in small, singal one doller bills please mail that to meemoLaugh ok i couldnt stand it no more i had to GOGGLE it so there.....emoPoke

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