A few suggestions or pointers maybe

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Aug 14, 2011
Hey folks. I'm fairly new around here. I joined a couple years ago when I first moved here. After a year I moved to Florida for a year and now I'm back in TN. I joined a club who plans to fish the Chick the latter part of February out of Chester Frost. I've never been on the Chick. </p>

Could someone offer some guidelines that might be helpful for a first timer on that body of water. I've got a decent boat and electronics. I don't want to run aground so I'm not sure how to get around there at the current pool level. I've got a map of the Chick made by Atlantic Mapping. It's a pretty decent map.</p>


When moving up and down the river do I need to run the channel to be safe ? As far as fishing goes do I need to fish flats near the channel and stay out there or go back in the creeks part ways or way back ? From what I've been able to gather so far I'm thinking my depth will probably be 3-10'.</p>


I was thinking about fishing from Chester Frost and fishing north for the first 4-7 miles. Should I go the other way ? Should I just stay in there at Chester Frost and spend 8 hrs in there ? </p>


I've never been there and don't have any idea what to expect or look for so any guidelines would eally be appreciated. </p>





PS. If any of ya'll make over west to Old Hickory I would be more than happy to host/share a day on the water with you</p>



This time of year you need to stay between the green and red buoys if you are not familiar with the lake. Lots of props have met their doom this time of year on the chick.
Agree with fishinvol. no need to leave the park. There is a sand bar that sticks out toward river that is straight across from boat dock. Make sure u watch it on your graph. If u stay to the right as u r leaving dock u will be fine. Welcome to chick. Maybe your first bit will be a arm breaker.
Thanks for the suggestions. I may in fact stay inside there at Chester Frost and learn that as best I can. I'm hoping that isn't a tongue in cheek suggestion. Lots of times on a Saturday morning you can see guys who put in on one end of the lake running full bore to the other end of the lake, all the while passing guys who launched on the other end of the lake going the other way . Ha ha. Gotta wonder sometime how many fish these guys are running past. I've been guilty of this myself at times. I may get over there for a little look see before the club arrives. Since I'm kinda new to these parts I really appreciate the support . Mainly I just don't want to embarrass myself. The club fished the Chick last year at a different time of year and best I can tell they didn't do very well.
If you have a single axle trailer like myself I would use the center of the ramp or the left side facing the lake. This is the side towards the Coke machine. The other side seems to be a little shorter and you can easily back off the end of the ramp.