A great day, doesn't get too much better.Jmax and fishinvol 9/4/2006.

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
I have been doing so good on the chick lately that I was afraid I WOULD TAKE SOMEONE AND BUST.;) But I am glad to say,... DIDN"T HAPPEN!!!emoSmileWe had a great day with the day total coming in at 48 bass boated, all LM, 9 of which were keepers, and the best five would have gone around 13 and a half lbs to 14 lbs. Met Fishinvol at the wolf at 6 a.m. and hit the main lake before the nuts came out. Man, we got right in them off the bat. We boated 24 bass in the first hour and half with FV having his best one of the day at 3 lbs. Most of them came on a 10 inch black worm in 3 to 8 feet. We did catch some on a buzz and some on top water, mainly the puppy. Moved over to a ridge I like to fish and caught several there also. We had to change to the pumkinseed/chartruse tail six inch by then because they had stopped hitting the black. Moved out to a main lake hump and fished deeper but had only a couple hits without boating any so we moved again. Went back into wolftever and fished points but blanked. Moved to some bluffs and they were there. Had several nice ones on the worm in about 19 feet. Started getting pounded by skiers and boaters so we moved back out to the main lake. Fished several areas with skattered Niad grass and caught several more, including my best of the day at 3 and a half. They did come up once and we caught three out of that one school before they went back down and we lost where they went. Most of the fish we caught were relating to drops and grass edges. The early bite came as you would pull your worm out of the grass and let it fall free of the grass and they would hit it. Wished we had been in a Tx.emoBigsmile We left at one. I had a great time with Fishinvol and if anyone is looking for a non-boater he is a good one. Saw stump jumper again, twice and he waved, should have stopped to say "Hey" there SJ.emoToast Jmax
Jmax should have charged me for his guide service,but probably saw my outstang 1992 geo(skunk colored) that I drive and felt sorry for me.emoLaugh All I know is that I am now spoiled to no end!! Great day of fishing and it was really great to meet Jmax!!
Yeah, I didn't stop cause I didn't want to disturb yalls fishin, especially if they were schoolin'. emoCool

From the sounds of your report, I should have stopped and maybe I would have learned a thing or two to boat some keepers. emoWorthy
Yea guys that is the best day I have had in a while catching quality keepers. Nine keepers in seven hours this time of year I would take any Tx.emoTongue With 13 and a half to 14 lbs you might not win but you would more than likely place. Fishinvol and I both had bass thumb injury for the day which is a great sign of a good day.emoParty Jmax
I'm glad that you are still on them Jmax. They must really be thick on your spots now. That's great! Keep throwin' them back for me to get later!
Jmax, you must be the number 1 guide for the past few weeks... Polo, will be following you around just to learn something about fishing....LOL
That was a good report and I am glad you all had a great time.... FAemoAngel
Actually FA, Polo is well aware of where and what I am doing. The time we met he wanted me to take him cause I was doing the same thing last year about this time and posting it on the Bass Home Page. He got hold of me and wanted me to take him. I think he may have been wondering if it was blow or truth. We got in them then also. It was the same pattern. I know I was talking to Fishnfool and he and his partner got in them on the same pattern in another area, but when we compared notes it was the same program.emoEek I love this time of year to catch lots of bass on the chick but the TVA right when it hits it's best time and the bigger ones move in to do it the water is dropped and all bets are off. I just try to get the best out of it I can between now and the draw down.emoBigsmile
What a report. If I had an invitation to go with Bill Dance, Jimmy Houston, or Roland Martin or any other famous people OR JMAX. I'd take JMax myself. What a record of catching bass. Congrats, and keep up the great work.