Decided I needed to go wet a hook last night to see what I could do with the Tx coming up this weekend. Launched out of WT about 7:30 pm. Started off shallow and right off started hitting fish but only slicks. Was fishing a shallow ridge that went from only 3 foot to maybe 4 and a half. After five slicks about 12 to 13 inches hit a 14 and 7/8th incher. I knew there had to be a bigger ones somewhere. The next cast, Tapp, Tapp,..set the hook and up comes one 4 lbs and 2 oz.emoEek Nice! These were all on a worm. Next stop put on the puppy and could just barely see with dusk setting. Pitched it out and a huge bass crushed it. Hooked it, had it for just a second and it came off. I took down her address and hope she will be home come Saturday. Switched back to the worm and caught two more slicks.
Next stop, a rock pile hump, started with the puppy, two crushed it, both missed it.emoScratch Couldn't seem to stick them on it last night. Went to the worm and had two more slicks. Thought where is RR's buzz bait? Tied it on and about ten casts later was coming down the side of a boat dock and Bang! A nice 15 and a half killed it. Boated it and put it back,told it to see me again Saturday.emoBigsmile
Moved out to the main lake and fished a worm,spinner bait, buzz and spook but never got the first one in the boat. Left a 11.30 pm. Looking forward to the tournament, I hope the big ones are biting a little better than last night.emoCool Jmax
Next stop, a rock pile hump, started with the puppy, two crushed it, both missed it.emoScratch Couldn't seem to stick them on it last night. Went to the worm and had two more slicks. Thought where is RR's buzz bait? Tied it on and about ten casts later was coming down the side of a boat dock and Bang! A nice 15 and a half killed it. Boated it and put it back,told it to see me again Saturday.emoBigsmile
Moved out to the main lake and fished a worm,spinner bait, buzz and spook but never got the first one in the boat. Left a 11.30 pm. Looking forward to the tournament, I hope the big ones are biting a little better than last night.emoCool Jmax