ABA Couples Series Tournament Dates Released - Lake Chickamauga

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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My wife and I are planning on fishing most of these. I hope several other couples come join the fun!
ABA Couples pays out first place only with 5 and under boats registered.
Paying 2 deep 6-14 boats and paying 3 places deep after 15 boats.
Yes, payouts depend on # of boats entered. Right now, we are expecting at least 10 at the ramp on Saturday.
dave60 - 3/11/2016 10:37 AM

How much will I need for entry fees registration fees and big bass pots

The ABA membership is $25 per person but I think that you can do a family membership for couples and both can join for $40. The membership runs one year to date and is good nationwide for all ABA trails. Entry fee is $100 per couple, plus $5 late fee for signing up at the ramp. If you preregister online you'll have to pay a $3 processing fee to run your credit card or debit card so you're really only saving $2 by preregistering online. Big fish pot is $5 per angler and this series pays "His big fish" and "Her big fish".
So if you're signing up at the ramp in the morning you'll need $155 if you can do the family membership, and $165 if you have to join ABA individually. I'll defer to Brittany on the membership. Also big fish pots are optional.