Abbreviating Lake and Ramp Names

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2008
Abbreviating names of bodies-of-water and ramps gets troublesome. If your looking for new places to go fishing and knowing where is essential. There are a lot of places to fish in a short drive but if you cant translate an abbreveation to a name on a map, you arent going to find this honey hole. Remember that when posting strategies or fishing reports.
 Ok so you have me interested in whatever it is your talking about...
I think hes talkin bout HSP, CF, etc
HSB = Harrison Bay State Park
CF = Chester Frost County Park
RP = River Park
there are other abreviated ramps etc .. just cant think of them at the moment .. that happens when you get over 40 .. er uh in my case always been that way lemoLaugh
Cant seem to find it but wasent there a post on here a while back that had a long list of different abreviations that are used on here that might help new folks out?? I remember it, but cant find it...

emoScratch emoScratch
ok, where is G'ville, I was able to figure out where the Stones River was cos it has a referenceable name, this site seems to extend to fishing at a distance in the surrounding area from Chattanooga not just IN Chattanooa emoPoke
G'Ville = Guntersville Lake, in Alabama about 60 miles or so from Hixson to the first good ramp in Stevenson

You must have not been around these parts very long huh ? emoBigsmile

Covers areas that we fish .. Pretty much a 100 mile radius of Chattanooga, though if you have fished on it and your a member give us a report, even salt water trips , trips to Canada .. where ever .. if it has fish and you went and did or didnt catch squat we want to know
puddle jumper - 1/25/2008 6:14 PM Cant seem to find it but wasent there a post on here a while back that had a long list of different abreviations that are used on here that might help new folks out?? I remember it, but cant find it... emoScratch emoScratch Puddle...emoUSA

I posted that one Puddle, guess it got purged out though. </p>
Hey ,if you want to be confused,try to figure out the text message lingo,from AT&T in their junk mail.
I'm too old to even try. These abbreviations on the post gives us something to keep us on our toes.
Thanks for the FUN!


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John, I think you are another "Crappie Expert". That's a very nice one there. Keep those great fishing reports comming. WE all appreciate it.
Sprestwood, for future references, most people on this forum are friendly enough to answer any PM'd (personal/private mail) question you send them. I have lived here all my life and been a member of this forum for several years and I still cant figure out some of the abbreveations. Welcome!