About moving the rest of the tx's

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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2013
J max crying again about the dates. Thought we had voted to keep the same schedule?????If they are moved then that will cause Larry not be able to fish due to the fact of have to plane a year of off days!Like I said before if you want to fish the cba fish it. If you want to fish the CFF fish it. This is the CFF web site. Not the cba web site.CBA wouldn't do the same for any other tx trail !!! So why are we catering to the dang cba for. If they are moved. Then you most likely won't see me till the classic and if that's a cause for me being took off the committee then that's fine.
Just hang on and calm down Steven. I basically agree with everything you said. Jmax bought up an the ramp again last night before the blast off and again after the weigh in. He had several others to chime into the discussion of course so here we go again! Then he posted a plea again this morning. I would like to know just how many and who are planning on fishing both Tx's? Derek is going to be gone to Florida as I understand. So how many? There are really only two of our CFF regulars that I know of that want to fish that CBA. Jmax and Mark Eustice. Derek is supposed to be going to Florida. Also for those that have been fishing the HB Night Series and qualify for their Classic it is Sept. 16th and 17th. I think that probably affects more of our CFF group than the CBA participants. I not sure!? This getting way to complicated with all the Tx. dates. Personally I say leave it along the way it is. If those guys want to fish the CBA then they can. JMO! What do you other guys say?
I say leave it alone. Ive got a vacation day in to fish on the 10th bc thatll be the last tournament i get to fish. Couldnt fish last night bc of work and i won a trip to the Iheart Radio festival in Vegas the weekend of the classic and im not gonna miss a free trip to begas. Lol
IMHO, JMax has been working this in the background. Why is it everytime we have an issue, you can usually trace it back to him? I was not aware that Mark and a few others also fish CBA. I told them we would discuss, but changing the tournament is going to keep Larry from fishing.
It's always him. Some people only fish a dog fight or two. And the CFF. These guys that fish the cba fish every tournament that happens on the dang lake. They have a choice. Some don't!!! Patrick you did a good job by trying to miss other tx. Either by date. Or (LAKE).
Where is Leonard and Dusty's vote? I think we are all on the same page and so the majority wins but I think we should have more votes in this situation. I would like for us to be unanimous.
Leave it as it is. Unless Mark and Jim are trying to fish for a free entry in classic they should drop CBA and fish with us. I seen mark is 30th but after drops he me be lower. Its their choice, we cant change our schedule. Some work and so on and make plans to be off on our tournament days.
Sorry I didn't post, no to the move. It would be different if there were actual life changing, major circumstances keeping someone from being there. But this is about wanting to fish in another club. That's silly to me. Pick the one that means more and fish.

Buckling to this will only cause issues in the future of people wanting changes to rules, slippery slope. You guys have made the right decision. No move.

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