Action Alarms and Monday night dog fight Labor Day Tournament results.

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
Did not have as many as we normally have for these and I was told it was because fishing has been so tough lately some choose not to show up. :( We ended up with 28 boats and a total of 48 anglers. Not a bad turn out but less then usual. It was tough and most folks did not weigh in. With 28 boats we paid 3 places. Needed 30 boats to pay out four places. Also had a big bass pot and a big trash fish pot.
1st Place was yours truly, Jmax with 13.25 lbs.($500.00) I also had big bass at 6.65 lbs. ($145.00)
2nd Place was Jamie Hatcher and Rick Camp with 9.48 lbs.($310.00)
3rd Place was Jerry Goodner and Jeff Knight with 9.32 lbs.($190.00)
Big Trash fish was Tim Harrison and Bundy with a big flat head at 30.17 lbs. ($195.00)

Out of the 28 boats only 9 boats weighed in. emoEek Slow! I would like to as always thank Action Alarms, Linda and Don Morgan for sponsoring this tournament with $400.00 extra dollars. Of those dollars $150.00 went to first, $100.00 to second, $50.00 to third and $100.00 to big trash fish. Total paid out was $1,340.00, not bad for a four hour dog fight. emoThumbsup

PS, I accidently left my weigh in bag at the CBA building while working with a couple bass that needed fizzing. If you happened to have seen it and picked it up please let me know. Thanks, Jmax

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