Active mats?

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Aries 181

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
Is it more than just hearing popping sounds? I am wondering as I'm catching more fish in front of them on a small buzz bait than on top of them with a frog. By 10:00 am it's over and I head for the AC.

Last time out, I had the suckers popping left and right on the edges but wouldn’t offer at anything LOL. I’ve never spent a lot of time frogging or pinching the mats but plan on doing some this fall
The last few times I have been out, I have caught all of my grass fish on the very edge on the grass line. They seemed to be just sitting there waiting to ambush. I think they will start pushing back into the thick of them in the next few weeks.
FishingwithRusty - 10/4/2018 1:57 PM

i listen for the "rice crispies" and look for blow holes

They eatin "cheerios" where I have been...saw some pillows & no blow fair Monday to nothing Wednesday.....Most mats are too thick, look more at scattered areas..............jmo........
emoGeezer emoUSA
I went out yesterday and as usual struggled but I did try to frog a few mats and.... nothing. However I picked up a drop shot and found the edge of the deep grass on my 360 and caught several solid fish in about 7 to 11 FOW. Right before sunset the edges of the mat looked active so I tossed a sexy dog down the edges and got bit several times. No giants but I did get to hold a few fish.
Most of the grass has not quite matted up but yes its better to work grass that is pop'n and active, keep your eyes open for bluegill flicking in the matt also. The edges are holding fish ambushing bait as it goes by. Its fun to throw a top water right at the edge of it and see a V wake come screaming off the grass edge to blast your bait. That frog bite should really turn on anytime now as soon as the grass fully matts up and opens up underneath.