Advice for the fishing below dam?

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2018
I have never fished below the dam. From what i have seen there seems to be good population of both smallmouth and largemouth. Is anyone willing to share any advice for the first time out on the river below the dam? What to look for and target? Where to put the boat in? etc... Any advice or suggestion is greatly appreciated
i usually put in at the River park and go toward the dam and railroad bridge. i have had good luck with a Ned rig green pumpkin and 1/2 ounce jigs on rock and wood near the bank. I have had good luck also with a 4-5" grubs in green pumpkin and baby bass color. Look for water that is moving and has breaks for eddies to form and work the back side to just out in front. I have never went and did not catch something, sometimes a big catfish likes the Ned rig or worm bite.
Great thank your for the advice!! Do you try to target ledges and other things like that or are you just running the banks looking for the wood and rock?
i do not ledge fish as it is different in my opinion than up on the lake area. The current is stronger and the fish seem to hold to structure more. i will beat banks but also look for offshore structure (rock piles, timber) and fish just before and behind those things. my experience is do not stop working the bait just off of the bank but continue for several feet or yards away from the bank. be prepared to get hung up if fishing bottom due to the current when the Dam is generating power. but great fishing and it is always fun wetting a line.

Determining how to fish there really depends on the flow. If light flow, I fish it just like the lake (topwater, crank baits, jigs). If heavy flow crank baits and worms. Just be prepared to get hung a lot on those heavy flow days. Usually not much traffic early, can be very peaceful. See you out there.