anchor question

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2005
Hartselle Alabama
I'm tired of the pretty much useless mushroom and the best anchors I've seen have all been homemade...they look kind of like this "richter anchor"

do any of yall have experience with this anchor or have any better options?

Slo ride the richter is probably the best anchor available but they are a bit costly. No matter how they are made you will lose one occaisionally. They get hung up in rocks or logjams and they just won't come loose. If you anchor a lot the best bet is do like Doc said and make one or have someone with a welder make you one. Much less hard on the wallet WHEN you have to cut the rope. JMHO
Slo -ride the anchor you showed looks very similar to the one I lost on my second day of ownership last summer just below the railroad bridge downstream from Chickamauga dam. I eased it to the bottom and no amount of tugging from any direction would bring it up again. They hold great. Sometimes just too goodemoSorry

most people do not realize that you must have at least 3 times the amount anchor line out as it is deep in order for an anchor to work right. i have used my mushroom for years and only on extremely windy days was i unable to stay planted with it.

but here again i do not anchor in very heavy current.
For everything but rock bottoms, I like a Chene anchor. Light in weight for easy handling (no winch on my boat), but it digs in well. Easy to retrieve by cleating her off and reversing the direction of the set.

For rocky areas, I go with a extra heavy anchor (as much weight as your back can lift and then add 20 lbs to it). Think large hunk of cast iron or a container welded shut filled with shot. Steel shot these days, old days would have been lead (no reason to leave that much lead behind these days).

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