And We Thought We Had it Tough - "Must See" Pictures

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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REAL men!
I'd bust the ice with a pick and shovel to catch 10 10 pound walleyes. Awesome!
That's awesome... Only time I've busted through ice was to get the dock out before it got too thick in MN. I have to agree with Cheez... I'd shovel the landing to go fishing for those puppies.
Good gravy, that is what I call hardcore, but the reward was all worth it. Man those are some nice fish, I can taste them now.
Back in the olden days when I was living in the Cincy area we frequently had to shovel the boat ramp off and throw down kitty litter to launch the boat in the Ohio to fish the cooling pool of Dayton power&light generation station in Aberdeen, breaking river ice in an aluminum boat sounds like your tearing it to shreds, the boat that is not the ice! We had to wear poly-p long johns and insulated coveralls to just go across the river but once in the cooling pool the cold weather gear comes off when your in 75 degree water and work the hybrids and Lms. Oh did I mention the cooling water for the plant pulls in lots of fish makes chum and discharges into the cooling pool? Great wintertime action if Florida wasn't an option. I like it much better here!!
Those fellahs are tough enough to go bear hunting with a switch. Those are some ausum fish and mighty fine eating, wish we had more walleyes around here.
Reminds me of the good ol' days in my 16ft aluminum spectrum to get after a bunch of Perch (yes, I said Perch). Ice wasn't that thick and only had to go through about 100 yards of it to get to open water so backed the boat in and let it start to break up. Didn't think about the tail lights, they both immediately broke into pieces but oh well, we were going fishing. Got the boat turned around and literally played icebreaker just like the pictures, brings back fond memories. We filled up a couple buckets with Perch and headed home in the dark without tail lights...
I guess I qualify as one of those idiots. When I was a lot younger and the walleye would run in the Wolf River in Wisconsin, we would take a flat-bottom aluminum boat, scoot it out onto the ice, grab the sides of it, and run like hell until we started to break throught the ice as we got near open water, and jump in! When we were done fishing, we'd run the boat back up to the ice, throw the anchor as far as we could where it would break through the heavier ice, and drag the boat back up onto the ice using the anchor rope. Once we were on solid ice, we would push the boat back to shore. Sure glad I don't do that anymore!!!!!
EricM - 2/9/2008 8:20 AM

I guess I qualify as one of those idiots. When I was a lot younger and the walleye would run in the Wolf River in Wisconsin, we would take a flat-bottom aluminum boat, scoot it out onto the ice, grab the sides of it, and run like hell until we started to break throught the ice as we got near open water, and jump in! When we were done fishing, we'd run the boat back up to the ice, throw the anchor as far as we could where it would break through the heavier ice, and drag the boat back up onto the ice using the anchor rope. Once we were on solid ice, we would push the boat back to shore. Sure glad I don't do that anymore!!!!!

Your a wild man Eric!!! That is why I am waiting to summer to go fishing with you. emoLaugh
The only time I have had to break up ice while fishing was to get a drink out of the cooler. And I plan to keep it that way.emoCool

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