Any Car Mechanics out there?

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2007
I have a 2000 Impala LS. Lately I've been having trouble with the AC. First it would only get cold when on the highway. Now it only get cols at redlight or if I make a left hand turn. I'm thinking the condensing coil needs cleaning. I've looked on both sides of the radiator but can't find it. Where is that danged thing?
Yea, but I should mention that I did HVAC for several years working my way through school and have all the tools?

I am curious, what makes you think it is air in the line and how would air get in the line?
The radiator has to be removed to replace the condenser, so look closer in the front of the radiator for the condenser. Manufacturers have become very creative in hiding components lately. emoSmile

Is it ATC or manual A/C ?

If you have noticed the poor cooling since the weather has become more hot and humid, there is a GM bulletin applicable to your vehicle that recommends evacuating and re-charging the system with the recommended amount of R-134A. Some vehicles left the factory with less than a full charge.

Is your compressor cycling excessively ? Is air coming out the proper vents ?
Does it have an electric condenser fan and, if so, is it on when it should be ?

It would be best to connect manifold gauges to the system to determine the exact cause.

I haven't a clue why turning left would affect the performance of the A/C unless you have a loose wire ! emoScratch

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