Any Ford mechanical guys here?

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
I am wanting to buy a replacement rear-end for my 2001 Expedition. I know its a 9.75", 3.55 gear ratio, but its from a 4x4 truck. Im having a tough time figuring out if the same rear from a 2wd will work. Anyone familier with this?
I have had to do similar swaps before. Only way to be 100% certain is to take measurements and make sure the gear ratio is the same. They almost always have a metal tag on the front cover held on with a bolt. These tags will tell you a lot. Ford is bad about making things different. emoBang Good luck!
Why are you wanting to replace the entire axle Spur? Is there something that is bent or bad about the housing? Just curious. We rebuild them here at the shop all the time. Most of the time, its simply a bearing failure that is the culprit. It's just as easy for us to repair or rebuild them as it is to replace the whole axle. I can understand if you have found a bargain on the whole axle and it is more cost effective. PM me if I can offer any advice or assistance otherwise. Not sure about the interchange question, Ill check further for ya.
From what I'm seeing, There are 3 different ratios for the 9.75. (3.73, 3.55, and 3.31) Ford also apparently offered Expeditions with 8.8 rear axles also. What you may find is that the 2wd Expy's had 8.8 rear diff's and maybe 9.75's with a tow package. The other variable is if they are limited slip or not. From what I recall, most of the 2wd trucks had the 3.31 gear ratio and didn't have limited slip. But I'm sure there are packages or special order 2wd trucks with the same rear axle that you have.
Its a 4x4, and the bearings have been going out for a LONG time. Its got the 9.75, with 3.55 gear ratio. The truck has 250K on it, so its not worth a whole lot, looked into a repair once, bearings, most likely axles because of how long ive been pricing it like this, possibly even gears, etc would run more than truck is worth. I have found some salvage off trucks with blown motors etc for $150-$300. I can swap it myself, so no labor costs involved.
If one from under an F150 will work, I can find a blue-zillion of them for $150 bucks, rotor to rotor swap.

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