any home electrictians on here??????

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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2008
looking for any electrictians that wouldnt mind talking to me for a few minutes about a problem i have been having. iv got atleast 2 outlets downstairs that quit working but i got one upstairs that is on the same circuit and it is still working. the breaker box is downstairs. also i check the outlets and they are all pushing 117-120 volts from each outlet even the ones that dont work. if you have any ideas please let me know. and if you would be willing to talk about it please pm me your number and a good time to reach you. thanks
how are you getting the 120v reading??.....two wire tester??....stick it in the 2 slots where your plug goes in?? If so the receptacle should be working.The third neutral/ground wire is a safety thing for the frame of the receptacle or the appliance frame, be it a light fixture, light switch, or any number of other electrical components. .....I think !!!
if you have 120vac and the it drops when you put a load on it, Then you have a bad connection on the circuit. More than likely it's on a recp prob neutral side. sometimes the push in type recps ( when the wire goes directly in the back of the recp) will lose connection due to loose connection. It should be obvious when u find it. It will probably be burnt. Find every recp on the circuit and pull them out and check them. It very well maybe in one that is still working. Also could be in the panel if recps check out. I'm betting neutral side on a recp and it will be burnt. Good Luck!
Having an issue along a circuit run somewhere in the line, indicates that you have a loose connection on the ground side at one of the two closest outlets in that run where you see the first bad outlet. The loose connection has heated up and has created corrosion. Pull covers and the duplex receptacles out enough to see discoloration or a loose ground side connection. That is your problem, replace that receptacle.
i have been working so i aint been able to reply but thanks for the help and i have check that ones that are not working but aint had time to check all the ones that might still be working. not even sure which other ones are on the same circuit. guess i will start looking. and thanks for the phone numbers that were sent to me. i am going to try to look at all the outlets and if that dont work then i might still have to get yall a call. thanks again
You can try plugging your meter in one socket and an appliance in the other socket in the same duplex outlet and see what the meter does when you turn on the appliance. </p>

That still won't tell you which duplex is the problem but it will verify what's happening.</p>

You can flip breakers till you identify the circuit. I just short the outlets out and trip the breaker but I wouldn't do it in anyone's house but my own. That's what a lot of electricians do when you're not looking emoZipped

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