Any interest?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2013
Chattanooga, TN
This is a shot in the dark. An idea that popped into my mind and seeing if there would be any interest out there. Was thinking of fundraiser ideas for Ringgold High School Baseball and a fishing tournament crept into my mind. Maybe someone would like to donate prizes or split 50/50 between donation and winnings. How would $100 a boat sound? Would October be a bad month because of hunting? We host a golf tournament as well as a couple other things but always looking for ways to bring in some extra funds to keep the facility in tip top shape. So would anyone be interested in helping out the Ringgold baseball team?
The 24th and the 31st of the month of Oct appears to be open. It is in the hunting season time frame and many on here will have their minds on that. You just never know how one might go over. $100 is not a bad amount to ask for. $50 to your team and $50 to payout. All you can do is put it on and see how it goes. emoScratchThe frog bite and top water bite for the Fall should be in full swing. These tournaments can turn into work. If you start soliciting for prizes, getting everything lined up for the tournament, passing out flyers, making sure you have the people lined up to do the weigh in, ex... you had better start now. It can get time consuming and become work. Just an FYI. emoGeezer Jmax