Anybody killing any ducks??

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Jun 5, 2007
Carlisle AR
I was wondering cuz i havent been this year....and yea, its KILLING ME lol! Up north they had a REAL LATE harvest season due to the big ammounts of rain. Ive seen lots of fresh cut corn and bean feilds up in northern ohio with ducks, and geese on them. As long as it doesnt freeze real hard up there, i think the chickamauga area will see a late, late migration....if thats what you wanna call it lol, and i know thats nothing new. I was just curious if anything besides local ducks were being killed yet. Happy hunting everyone!!!
Its been pretty slow up here.. not much going on at all. I agree with you as it will be a late one as well.
Went out on the Lower Chick Friday and saw a bunch of birds. Ended up with Some Bufflehead, figures. Saw alot of variety. Quite a few divers around. Buffs, ringnecks, and 4 Canvasbacks to my surprise, and some hoodeds as well. Had 5 gadwall work the spread and ended up missing them 3 times, they were close to. Had about 20 gesse come right over me right at legal shooting time. Picked out the lead bird about a 40 yd shot going pretty good, missed him the first shot, hit him the second and third shots and he kept on going. Almost all the puddle ducks, mostly gads and mallards would not work the blocks at all. Think they have been here a while.

Saturday the 12th was a totally different day. Saw very few ducks and never shot the gun. Maybe 50 or so mallards and 4 buffs that was it. Amazing what a day can make.

As far as the migration goes my brother lives in central wisconsin and hunts a private 60 arce marsh which for the last 7 years he has pounded the ducks almost every time he goes. THis was the worst year he has ever seen. The ducks never came. His best shoots were late Oct. The best hunting was usally right before freeze up. Which is usually around the Thanksgiving time period. His area is void of ducks right now everything is frozen up. THey went from 50 degree weather to single digits. literally over night. So logic should say they are on the way if there weather stays cold up north.


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Well glad im not missing anything new on the chick lol. I know the feeling inthebox, seems like the last 2 or 3 years one day you could have a descent hunt, and the very next you dont even shoot. Last year i went two weeks without even getting a shot!! It seems like the bufflehead and mergansers migrate the same time of year no matter what though. We had many a day that all we shot at where those bufflehead that wizz by right on the water lol. Still fun, but damn.....its nothing like when you actually get a group of mallards work and respond to your decoys and calls these days. Ive wondered if they are getting smarter or what?? Or is it just me? Still wish i was out there though regardless.....theres no better feeling than that anticipation you feel when you hit your first chatter call before sunrise!!!
We have don ok so far. We are up to 20 big ducks a golden eye and 5 geese. All of them shot on big water I refuse to hunt the wmas. However I talked to a game warden sat. He said next year they are going to do a draw stake at all of them. I hope it goes through it will cut down on alot of crap that happens up there.
were out in the islands and we have been working birds but getting sky busted there have been increasing numbers but the sanshill cranes are everywhere. but mallards and coots are what we are killing. bunch of woodys on the wma
Heres another recipe I just found...

Breast out your goose and cut the breast into dime size chunks
Put goose chunks into a bowl and marinate with "Lawry's Sesame Ginger with mandarin orange juice" sauce
Let it sit overnight in the refrigerator
Take a frying pan, put a little oil in the pan and get the oil hot
Put the goose into the frying pan and fry the edges.
When the marinate heats out of the goose, take the goose chunks out of the frying pan and strain it.
Put Goose back in the frying pan and add a bottle of teriyaki sauce and bring to a boil. Then strain the goose chunks again, and put aside
Take a mexican wrap about six to eight inches round, and put a little pile of goose chunks in the middle. Cover with cheddar cheese and then pour "Sweet and Sour" sauce over goose and cheese.
Then wrap that mess up and tooth pick wrap closed.
Put a quarter inch of oil in a frying pan and heat up till medium heat.
Put burrito into frying pan and brown both sides. You can tell when done, when the burrito is brown and crispy.
Serve hot!

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