Anyone drive cross country for a living here?

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
I am looking at a boat that is located in Oshkosh, WI. I am trying to find somebody that might drive for a living that could tow it back here for me, either on a hitch, or flatbed. Its a tandem axle trailer.
Spur, you I am sure know about all the scams on boats on line. Better make sure before paying for that boat being that far away. :eek: Jmax
I still have my house in WI and go there at least once a month. l live about 3 hours north of Oshkosh and can pass right thru there...I am going up on the 23rd or 24th
Oh, and I wont be towing my boat up this trip so I have an empty hitch on way back. I will be heading back on Sunday, the 29th or 30th
And I do know the area well, the company I work for has a factory in Fond Du Lac, right across from the Mercury plant, 20 minutes down Lake Winnebago from Oshkosh...

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