Anyone ever rent an RV????

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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2009
We're planning a family road trip when my son is out on spring break and looking into renting an RV...any one have any experience renting one and have any advice?
RV trailer or motorhome? If a trailer, do you have a tow vehicle that will handle it? Motorhome? Check the rental cost, fuel costsof diesel or gas (this will be a big expense as you won't get the mileage of the family car or van; 5-8 mpg if lucky), insurance under your own policy, etc. and compare with a motel room. Think how everyone will abe if you are stuck inside during bad weather (personal experience- almost to the point of mass murder). I met a renter once- all he did was fix the rental RV. Had the greywater tank come off in the middle of the interstate! Also, you will have to cook, clean, etc. just like at home. My parents had four motorhomes and friend who had a houseboat. Keeping two houses. Personally, I wouldn't have an RV of any kind unless I was able to travel at least 6 months out of the year.
I got rooms for conferences in NH and OR and got my best rates with Hotwire. Get one with a decent breakfast. Many now offer a full breakfast- take that into account of what a restaurant would cost per person and compare it with the motel offering and rate. Used to travel in sales for over 30 years. Could write a book on travel. Sorry if I seem negative but this has been my observation for about 35 years. Seriously, for just one week, consider another way, IMHO.
Let me add- when the wife and I travel, we make sure the room has a microwave if there is nothing furnished by the motel. You can get all kinds of stuff at the grocery for breakfast. Eat a light lunch and go to a nice restaurant for dinner. Surprising how you can save $$$ this way.
Saw large numbers of them when I was working near Salt Lake City, mostly driven by foreigners. Made for some long and dangerous work drives on the backroads of Utah. I believed they flew in, then drive around for a 1 or 2 and return to SLC. All seemed to be newer units. Saw none broken down.
That's great insight Rollcast. That's what i'm trying to figure out, I do not want to put the wear and tear on our personal vehicles so either way we will be renting a vehicle. I was concerned being confined in an RV for 10 days may get old, even with he sight seeing and stops. It's going to be about half the price for a full size AWD SUV and then considering free breakfast with most hotels and the sake of sanity of getting out of our vehicle every evening may be a better option.
If your thinking Yellowstone, most national brand hotels have or will shortley be fully booked for summer. Other popular areas (Grand Canyon etc) are similar.
I have rented a few times from Costs are not cheap but close to hotel and food costs. We love it and plan on buying one, this has allowed to check out sizes and options. PM me if you have direct questions. Size, fuel costs, generator time and deposits are the costly parts.
Forgot to ask- where do you plan on going? Another thing is to look at the discount booklets that you get at restaurants, welcome centers, etc. I made a mistake and went to a wrong motel in a national chain. The owner said the other motel was down the road. I asked him if he would honor the rate, he would get my business- he said Yes. The coupons usually aren't good for Thursday through Sunday, My father and I had a sales agency and we carried a folder full of them for all the states we visited.

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