anyone fishing the BFL Choo Choo Div?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Go for it as long as the resources are there for your effort. Can't get into the ring looking like the one armed paper hanger. Chances don't come around often and don't make many return strikes either so...You can't hit what you don't shoot at!! Aim High!
I am planning to fish them as a co-angler except for one that I have a prior commitment
I fished them last year as a co angler. Enjoyed most of them. As a co you can draw some bad boaters. I had a couple that were clueless and a couple that were really good. Hard to beat those guntersville guides on their home lake.
I have fished as a co angler the last 2 years and plan on fishing all the tournaments this year, I would like to link with you as co angler if you don't have one, this way we would both be locked in the tournaments. PM me if interested.