lafae7 - 12/26/2017 9:16 AM
I've never had problems with my reel freezing up.
Jmax - 12/26/2017 11:31 AM
lafae7 - 12/26/2017 9:16 AM
I've never had problems with my reel freezing up.
I must be doing something wrong all these years. emoConfused I have been one of the idiots on the lake when it was below freezing often. The issue for me has always been line freeze up. My line would either freeze up in the eyes of the rod or freeze up in the eye of the reel as it came onto the spool. I would find myself constantly breathing on the reel to melt the ice and dropping my rod into the water to melt the line from the eyes. When it got into the low 20s I would usually throw up the white flag, surrender to the elements and head home. I use to even use a small propane heater I would put in the boat to warm up the reels. Had to watch out not to get it too close because it seemed to weaken the line when you did. emoScratch Jmax
Jmax - 12/26/2017 11:31 AM
lafae7 - 12/26/2017 9:16 AM
I've never had problems with my reel freezing up.
I must be doing something wrong all these years. emoConfused I have been one of the idiots on the lake when it was below freezing often. The issue for me has always been line freeze up. My line would either freeze up in the eyes of the rod or freeze up in the eye of the reel as it came onto the spool. I would find myself constantly breathing on the reel to melt the ice and dropping my rod into the water to melt the line from the eyes. When it got into the low 20s I would usually throw up the white flag, surrender to the elements and head home. I use to even use a small propane heater I would put in the boat to warm up the reels. Had to watch out not to get it too close because it seemed to weaken the line when you did. emoScratch Jmax