Anyone heard from Mr. Wiskers?

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He's out there from time to time. I talked with him about fishing this weekend. I don't think that he's had much time to post.
Promotion at work I think I heard, and busy at the house. He cant stay away from the water too long I bet, and we will be seeing that familiar hat stalking the banks of the river. ;)
Easy now on Mr. Wiskers hat, you would be surprised how many fish you can catch when wearing one. I bought one in the spring and i catch my limit every time I go fishing. I heard he was having to replace all the bearings in all his reels because they were burned up.
He got "PROMOTED"...he has a lot more to worry about at work and a lot more folks to try and keep track of. The good thing is the money but now he has a lot less time to enjoy it. :( He is a very smart guy when it comes to engineering even thou he may not look like it, especially with that dumb hat. emoPoke Jmax
Was wondering the same myself, no reports of those 1,000,000 spaaaat days below the Chick:) Good one Bprice, his hat swallowed him! Take it easy on us engineer nerds though, after spending all the money on college we got to make a little bit of it back (even though it greatly interferes with our fishing jobs)...
Jmax - 6/24/2008 8:12 PM He got "PROMOTED"...he has a lot more to worry about at work and a lot more folks to try and keep track of. The good thing is the money but now he has a lot less time to enjoy it. :( He is a very smart guy when it comes to engineering even thou he may not look like it, especially with that dumb hat. emoPoke Jmax

At least he can post a dang picture emoPoke </p>

J/k Jim, seriously you want my 6 yr old niece to come over and show you how to post them?emoScratch emoPoke </p>
I am still around. AlvinC and I went tonight for the first time in a over a month. Got 4 spots, 7 bluegill, 2 yellow stripe and a drum. Rusty I guess but it was tough. May hit the Chick later this week after work. The 1,000,000 spot days will be back this fall so stay tuned.
Doc1 - 6/23/2008 1:26 AM

Easy now on Mr. Wiskers hat, you would be surprised how many fish you can catch when wearing one. I bought one in the spring and i catch my limit every time I go fishing. I heard he was having to replace all the bearings in all his reels because they were burned up.

Doc, I need to get one of those hats to go with my crocs. Do they come in different colors? emoBigsmile emoGeezer

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